Tuesday, January 13, 2009

January Monthly Golf Outing

The Monthly golf outing rolled into Stockton California for January, and it was Carlos' turn to host. Initially he proposed a course in the middle of the country "Lockeford Springs" but Mr. Dumass never made a tee time so we rolled into the freewheeling drunkfrest of straight long fairways that is VanBuskirk golf course. Following are the e-mails from myself and Alex reviewing the happenings of said event

Alex's original E-mail

My experience from Saturday, Jan. 10, 2009

9:30 - wake up, start texting everybody.

10:30 - breakfast.

11:30 - met at park and prepared out gear.

12:30 - informed that no golf carts were available, started golfing (High Light [HL] - Luis' monster drive and overall good performance), started drinking (HL - little kids killed my buzz when distributing beer to the group).

2:00 - arrived at 6th hole in record time.

2:30 - alcohol kicked in.

3:00 - yelling ensues over stroke counts.

4:30 - marshall, aka Buzz Killington, informs us we have to leave by 5:15.

5:15 - Luis = 89, Alejandro = 96, Royer = 98, Carlos & Easy = 100+

6:30 - eating burritos, watching Cardinals whoop ass, and taking my time ironing my shirt.

8:30 - continual beer drinking and shots of what i believe are Kamakazi start rolling out.

9:30 - Bradley's drinking and Pool (Eight Ball) game. (HL - everyone has increased their pool skill level...practice?)

11:00 - arrive at Salsa place.

12:00 - enter Salsa place with a $15 cover.

12:30 - I stay (dancing) while everyone leaves Salsa place for Bradley's.

1:00 - arrive at parking lot where car was broken into.

1:15 - Luis picks me up as I attemp to console victim and Carlos jumps out of vehicle and starts yelling, "fuck your shit! it's all material possessions! fuck your shit! fuck her shit! you got your health! fuck that shit! lets get the hell out of here."

1:30 - Luis drives us back to Carlos' while i hear about the comotion that took place @ Bradley's. Luis shares that he had intimate relations with a woman who was at Bradley's. She was there with her boyfriend who seems to work out and/or eat a lot (not sure, i heard he is a large man). This is the same woman who's picture caught my eye while on MySpace last year and Luis shared with me that she was his plutonic friend...i find the change in statement interesting.

2:00 - i get out at Carlos drive and proceed to pee on the fence. i believe it was Royer who instructed Luis to back up, which he did. as Luis backed up i continued to urinate, thus allowing me to urinate inside of Luis open driver side window (i carefully avoided peeing on Luis, which i could've very easily accomplished).

2:20 - while drunk driving through downtown Stockton, i turned toward the I-5 on ramp off of El Dorado Street and got distracted. The next thing i hear is Royer yelling, "Watch out! Watch out!" i looked up and realized i was heading straight for a collision with the center divide. i was able to swerve and avoid damage to the body of my car, but i hit the curb pretty hard. i followed that by getting of the phone and pulling over. the next 30 to 40 minutes had Royer and me replacing my tire (broken rim and all) with the spare while Royer complained about my crappy manual jack.

2:45 - police pulls up behind me (i'm on the freeway, just off the ramp and about two blocks awat from the police dept.), gets out of his vehicle, sees that i'm tightening the lug nuts, and says, "i see you're almost done changing your tire, have a good night." And he leaves.

3:50 - arrive in Sacramento after dropping Royer off in Weston Ranch and driving 50 miles/Hour with a spare tire in the front of my car.

Overall, i had fun and thank everyone who participated in the event.


PS - I was watching football on Sunday and received a text from Luis in the late afternoon that showed a picture of a burrito from La Victoria Taqueria in San Jose. i sent a text to everyone (who was with us Saturday) this morning to question this text. Easy replied stating that he had asked for clarification on Sunday and didn't recieve any from Luis. And Luis replied stating that he would have taken his near-teenage daughter to watch Disney-on-Ice if there had been a show in the HP Pavilion slated for yesterday...i'm confused.

---Response to Alex's e-mail---
a few responses to your time/bullet points and observations of my own;

7:30AM-- rise and shine...

8:00AM-- grocery store buy some breakfast materials to welcome EZ.

9:45-- EZ arrives with Burger King breakfast in hand. I'm tempted to eat delicious chilaquiles Vero made in front of him withou offering.

11:00 AM-- get going. Sweater Vest weekend is official.

12:30 PM--- the no carts thing really kicked my ass on Sunday and some of our games later in the round. Ez buys an awesome pair of Nike golf shoes and transforms instantly from the worst dressed golfer of the group (earlier wearing basketball; jersey, shorts and sneakers) to the most appropriate in seconds.
Personally on and off with the driver...I hit my 3-wood (a club i fear) like a champ so that made my day.

3:00 PM--- I do apologize for this. At this point in our golfing or at any point for that matter one should only worry about personal stroke count...and having the most fun possible. At the very least now I know how to throw Carlos off his game

5:15-- Scores. I beat Royer...alriight, take that from a few rooks Royyer. If I remember correctly we golfed 12 holes? I averaged about a 7 then, not bad on the "big boy course" considering all circumstances.
9:30 PM-- me and EZ the worst pool players of the bunch "owning" (technically) the table at Bradleys

12:00AM-- indecison over where to go at the Waterfront. In retrospect there was some weird shit going on with Carlos' decision making process. I suspect foul play since he somehow rationalized not going in to the place where all the eye candy was entering.
EZ's economic lesson on enjoying a $20 Corona.

12:30 Am-- back to Bradley's. I try to curve the drinking...and Carlos starts serving up the Jaggermeister. I see a girl i have some history with...state to Roger in a very debonair and dapper manner "this all me" and dash over to her. She quickly introduces me to a buff/fat (it was a combination of both) man that crushes my small sized hands with his handshake. The latter crushes my alcohol fueled confidence, small talk ensues, i walk away. He was my Buzz Killington. Alex your interest on who i pork/have porked/will pork or validity of statements/rumors/misconceptions of said happenings is sometimes worrisome.

1;30 AM-- Back to pick up Alex. On the way we learn his friend has had her car broken into. We get there. I don't remember Carlos getting out or heard him state such things, but sounds like some shit he'd do. Royer cracks the shit out me with dry statement about the wing man situation..(Big girl ate missing girl from earlier in the night...and Alana should not worry about her car but be fearful of the hungry girl).

2:00 AM-- Alex peeing on my truck at carlos' house. At that point, very funny. Sunday morning, smell of urine on my seat, not so funny.

2:15 Am--Carlos calls and ask to come back to pick him up and go get some food. I realize that's an awesome idea. Breakfast burritos kick ass. I do some 4-wheel driving through the treacherous parking lots of West and March lanes...hope there are no cameras in the adjoining establishments. Ironically Alex informs us he has run into a curve and is now changing his tire.

2:30 AM-- eat and drink I think back at Carlos' while reminiscing of memories past. Such as Alex sneaking into the San Jose apt. through our window breathing very heavily, instructin me to "SHHHHH" and only wearing his boxer shorts.

3;30 -- arrive home

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